International Games Day @ your library (November 3)

This has been occurring every November for 5 years but this is the first info I’ve seen about it.  The American Library Association began this “to reconnect communities through their libraries around the educational, recreational, and social value of all types of games.”  In addition to board games there are also opportunities for video games.  The website indicates that some libraries could host role playing games as well.

If you’re near a participating library and you know kids who may be reluctant to go to libraries, this may be a fun way to show them that libraries aren’t as dull as they think they are.  In urban areas, where there are multiple public schools, then this could also be a means outside of school for kids to get together with friends or meet neighbor kids who may go to another school.  Or even a way for kids who’ve just moved somewhere a chance to meet new friends.

Many libraries referenced in the information I read indicated that while some games were played between peers, there were also some games played with inter-generational players.   If your local library is not involved with this yet, why not see if they’re willing to do so?  Or if you or your family have a scheduling conflict on that day/time why not have a game day at home that evening or the next day?  I fondly remember all the games I played as a kid with my parents and brother at home.

What are you waiting for? Get together with folks and, as the sites say, “game on!”  🙂


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1 Response to International Games Day @ your library (November 3)

  1. Alicia says:

    I love International Games Day! We have discovered our teens love to play Spoons. They prefer this fast-paced game to playing the Wii or spending time on library laptops.

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